How Well is Your Business Performing?

Is your business growing?  Are you entering new markets, either geographically or with new products, and want to know if warehousing is the appropriate strategy for you?  Did you recently begin warehousing merchandise, and want to know if you’re getting the best value from your Winnipeg warehouse?  To answer these questions, you need to identify your businesses’ Key Performance Indicators, and check to see how a warehouse solution will help you to achieve them.

Key Performance Indicators

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving its most important business objective.  Since the warehouse is usually the last step in your supply chain that your goods pass through on their way to the consumer, it is very important to your operation.

The most important warehousing KPI, in the eyes of most companies, is the effect the warehouse facility has on on-time deliveries.  The higher the on-time delivery rate, generally the higher the satisfaction level of your customers, especially if you’re using a just-in-time delivery model.

Equally important is the order accuracy rate.  Inaccurate orders cause your customers hassle, and returned orders cost you money.

Inventory turnover is also important.  Warehouse space needs to be used.  If you’ve got unused capacity, or worse, if you’re storing inventory that’s not moving, your needs aren’t being addressed.

In the end, it’s all about the need of your business.  When it comes time to set up a warehousing operation in Winnipeg, you won’t find a more flexible partner than Crossdock Manitoba.  We strive to be Western Canada’s best third party logistics provider.

At Crossdock Manitoba, we offer a wide variety of crossdocking, warehousing, and Pick and Pack solutions tailored to your business.  If you can measure it, we can provide it. To find out about all of the services we provide, call Crossdock at (204) 987-1500.

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